Delivering a Green and Digital Recovery through Connectivity

10 November 2020, 10h00 – 11h30 CET
Online event
The video recording of the event is available here:

10 November 2020, 10h00 – 11h30 CET

Online event

The video recording of the event is available here:

Next Generation EU will accelerate investment in strategic economic areas that will create jobs and promote recovery from the current crisis, whilst supporting the EU’s green and digital transitions. Fostering the widespread deployment of very high capacity networks, including 5G, will  be a key plank of the EU recovery and resilience plan, by bridging the digital divide and paving the way for positive spill-over effects on society as a whole.

Digital technologies are also a critical pre-requisite for achieving the EU Green Deal’s sustainability goals across different sectors of the economy and society, such as agriculture, transport, health, and education. When coupled with IoT and AI, 5G will optimise the environmental impact of every decision through data by dramatically reducing the carbon footprint and energy consumption of key European industrial sectors.

In this context, ETNO organises an online workshop for policymakers to discuss the role that the telecommunications sector will play to reach sustainable recovery goals. Leading EU telcos will provide real case examples of making digital infrastructure and services greener, and participants will bring their perspectives on the best strategies to put digital investments at the service of more sustainable European societies.

Agenda (CET)

10.00 – 10.05   Welcome and introduction

  • Lise Fuhr, ETNO Director General

10.05 – 10.25   Best business practice sharing session

  • Maya Ormazabal, Head of Environment and Climate Change at Telefonica
  • Emilie Wedell-Wedellsborg, Director of Sustainability at TDC Group
  • Sara Nordbrand, Head of Group Sustainability, Telia Company

10.25 – 11.15  Panel discussion: sustainable recovery through connectivity

  • Felicia Stanescu, Head of Unit RECOVER.B2 responsible for Digital, Single Market, Industry; Recovery and Resilience Task Force member, European Commission
  • Dragoș Pîslaru, MEP (Renew, Romania), co-rapporteur of Recovery and Resilience Facility, ECON Member, ITRE substitute, European Parliament
  • Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, MEP (S&D, Finland), ITRE Member, European Parliament
  • Nicolás González Casares, MEP (S&D, Spain) ITRE Member, ENVI Substitute member
  • Maya Ormazabal, Head of Environment and Climate Change at Telefonica
  • Emilie Wedell-Wedellsborg, Director of Sustainability at TDC Group
  • Sara Nordbrand, Head of Group Sustainability, Telia Company

11.15- 11.30  Q&A and closing remarks

  • Moderated by Alessandro Gropelli, ETNO Director of Strategy & Communications

During the online workshop, we will elaborate more on:

  • How digitalisation connects Europe’s recovery and growth plans with the EU Green Deal?
  • How to achieve sustainable digital communications ecosystem?
  • How innovative digital services enable circular economy?
  • 5G and fibre networks: increased network performance and energy efficiency
  • What role the European Parliament has to play to achieve connectivity goals?

This online workshop will primarily involve Members of the European Parliament and other parliamentary policymakers. Participation is by invitation only.

Interested to join us? Request to attend the workshop at this link.