Digital Policy Day

22 June, 9.15am - 4pm CETBy ETNO and MLex

22 June, 9.15am - 4pm CET
By ETNO and MLex


How is European digital innovation doing? And what about Europe’s digital policies? Our Digital Policy Day, in collaboration with MLex, will tackle the most burning questions arising from the intersection between digitalization and regulation.

From 5G to AI, from advanced cloud services to entire sectors of the economy going digital, our societies and economies are changing fast. Register to attend the Digital Policy Day discussions on 22 June and learn more about how digital networks and services will interact with top EU policies such as the DSA, DMA, the European Commission’s Digital Compass as well as measures to boost 5G roll-out and gigabit networks.

9.15 – 9.20: Morning introduction by Lise Fuhr, Director General, ETNO

9.20 – 10.30: Digital Services | Addressing imbalances, boosting innovation

The eCommerce Directive was a landmark 20 years ago, but the realities of the digital space have changed: with new players, technologies and challenges in the market, how do we define the obligations for dealing with illegal content online today? How can we ensure that responsibility and liability are in the right places, applied to the right market players?

  • Karen Melchior, Member of the European Parliament
  • Gerard de Graaf, Director for Digital Transformation, DG CONNECT, European Commission
  • Christoph Steck, Director for Public Policy & Internet, Telefónica 
  • Raegan MacDonald, Director of Public Policy, Mozilla
  • Richard Burnley, Legal & Policy Director, EBU
    Moderator: Matthew Newman

10.35 – 11.40: Digital Sustainability | Achieving net zero, faster

The European Union has launched ambitious climate neutrality targets and it is looking to leverage the power of digitalization to accelerate cuts to carbon emissions. Earlier in the year, CEOs from top telecom and tech companies have launched a European Green Digital Coalition to help deploy digital solutions with positive environmental impact. As the European Commission works on Green Deal files across sectoral areas – from finance to digital, from circular economy to networks – are we doing enough to achieve carbon zero?

  • Dušan Chrenek, Principal Adviser in DG CLIMA, European Commission
  • Luis Neves, CEO, Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI)
  • Rachel Samrén, SVP, Chief External Affairs, Governance & Trust Officer, Telia Company
  • Pastora Valero, SVP, Public Policy and Government Affairs EMEAR, Cisco
    Moderator: Giulia Bedini 

 13.45 – 14.50: Digital Networks | Roll-out, uptake and inclusion

European telecom operators are busy speeding up the transition to 5G and fibre networks. Estimates show that €300bn investment is still needed to achieve full gigabit connectivity, with significant socio-economic and environmental gains from such investment. The EU has presented ambitious targets in its 2021 Digital Compass and it is working on policies ranging from the Broadband cost reduction directive to the connectivity toolbox. How do we make sure Europe’s connectivity policies speed up inclusive roll-out across the EU?

  • Rita Wezenbeek, Director Connectivity, DG CONNECT, European Commission
  • Michel Van Bellinghen, Chair 2021, BEREC
  • Susana Solís Pérez, Member of the European Parliament
  • Matthieu Agogué, Deputy Chief Regulatory Officer, Orange
  • Erzsebet Fitori, Head of EU Affairs & Relations, Vodafone
    Moderator: Cynthia Kroet

 14.5516.00: Digital Competition | Fairer markets, better societies

The rise of big technology companies has granted few large online platform with unprecedented market power, while allowing digital services to scale. The European Commission has proposed regulation on large platforms to safeguard fair competition in online services and restore markets contestability. What is the expected impact of these rules on consumer choice, innovation and competition in the digital economy? Can the EU lead the way in creating a new global standard, as it did in data protection with the GDPR?

  • Andreas Schwab, Member of the European Parliament, Rapporteur, Digital Markets Act
  • Thomas Kramler, Head of Unit of the E-commerce and Data Economy Antitrust Unit, DG Competition, European Commission
  • Wolfgang Kopf, SVP Group Public & Regulatory Affairs at Deutsche Telekom AG
  • Oliver Bethell, Head of Competition, EMEA, Google
  • Ursula Pachl, Deputy Director General, The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC)
    Moderator: Lewis Crofts 

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