Digital4Smarties 2nd workshop

Following the 1st workshop of the Digital4Smarties series, ETNO partnered with EU40 for having co-organised the 2nd workshop, in the format of an exclusive stakeholder consultation.

Digital4Smarties.pngFollowing the 1st workshop of the Digital4Smarties series, ETNO partnered with EU40 for having co-organised the 2nd workshop, in the format of an exclusive stakeholder consultation.

The breakfast debate took place on the 11th of January 2017 (Wed), from 8.00 to 9.30 AM, at the European Parliament.

Exclusive guests included, as well:

  • Members of the European Parliament;
  • Principal policy advisors to political groups;
  • ITRE and IMCO Secretariat;
  • Parliamentary assistants working on the telecoms reform package

Follow the discussion on twitter via the following hashtag: #EUtelcoR

More details are available on the EU40 website.

A selection of pictures is available by accessing the following links: /