Electric Vehicles Battery Tech 2019

ETNO is having a media partnership for the Battery Tech 2019 Exhibition and Conference.
The world's fleet of electric vehicles grew to over 4 million units in 2018. In just over a decade, there will be enough electric cars on the road for every person in Germany, as electric vehicle ownership is estimated to reach 100 million units by 2030. Europe and China posted the largest electric vehicle growth rates in 2018, with electric vehicle sales more than doubling from the previous year.
Key topics on this year’s agenda include:

ETNO is having a media partnership for the Battery Tech 2019 Exhibition and Conference.

The world's fleet of electric vehicles grew to over 4 million units in 2018. In just over a decade, there will be enough electric cars on the road for every person in Germany, as electric vehicle ownership is estimated to reach 100 million units by 2030. Europe and China posted the largest electric vehicle growth rates in 2018, with electric vehicle sales more than doubling from the previous year.

Key topics on this year’s agenda include:

  • Electric vehicles economic outlook and industry forecasts
  • Exploring new battery technologies and battery management systems
  • Latest research in extending battery life for electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles
  • New manufacturing processes and technical know-how to achieve economies of scale
  • Upcoming regulations and safety standards for the electric vehicle market
  • End-user and manufacturer case studies and adapting to Industry 4.0

More information and registrations are avialable here