FT Cyber Security Summit Europe - Fighting back against the cyber aggressors

Europe’s businesses face major threats in cyberspace. A frightening range of malign forces are pitched against them, and they have many harmful motives – fraud, personal identity theft, intellectual property theft, industrial espionage, service disruption, physical damage, blackmail and more.

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Europe’s businesses face major threats in cyberspace. A frightening range of malign forces are pitched against them, and they have many harmful motives – fraud, personal identity theft, intellectual property theft, industrial espionage, service disruption, physical damage, blackmail and more.

Corporate boards and senior management teams are struggling to keep up with the ever-changing situation. As soon as their information security specialists put new defences in place, attackers seem to find a way through or around them. Despite the expertise and assistance available from external security experts, government departments and law enforcement agencies, corporate Europe has its back to the wall in the fight against cyber crime.

The third annual FT Cyber Security Summit Europe will explore the dangers facing companies large and small. It will provide a platform for experts from businesses, software firms, public sector organisations, consultants and research institutes to discuss the big question of the day: how do you protect corporate systems, communications and information (including customer data) from cyber aggressors?

The Financial Times’ coverage of cyber security is extensive and ground-breaking. Our journalists write about it every day. They will be at the summit to chair it, introduce speakers, moderate panels discussions, conduct on-stage interviews and, importantly, get the audience involved in the Q&A sessions.

To encourage an open exchange of ideas and open debate, some of the presentations and panels may be held under the Chatham House Rule and will be clearly indicated as such on the agenda.

Find more information and register to attend on the event website.