Increasing Broadband Investment and Innovation - Views from Both Sides of the Atlantic

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}09.00-10.30 a.m. EDT (15.00-16h30 CET)


09.00-10.30 a.m. EDT (15.00-16h30 CET)

National Press Club
First Amendment Lounge
529 14th Street NW, 13th Floor
Washington, DC

Attend in-person or online by registering for the event. 

Follow the conversation on Twitter: #etno2015ust

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission is currently examining its policies regarding technology transitions and has just adopted rules regulating broadband service providers as common carriers, moving the industry to a restrictive utility-style approach. This is causing uncertainty in the investment market and opening the door to numerous court challenges. Europe is dealing with similar debates as the European Union (EU) institutions finalise rules on net neutrality and roaming. At the same time, the EU is also working on a new strategy to create a digital single market and is reflecting on how to re-design a regulatory regime that incentivises new investment upgrading networks and in deploying fiber.

This joint workshop with the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO), featuring two separate panel discussions, will address steps the industry is taking on both sides of the Atlantic to move to next-generation fibre and IP networks and secure the right policy environment to speed this process. The first panel will provide perspectives on fostering broadband deployment; the second session will focus on approaches to privacy, data protection and data flows.

A continental breakfast will be available.


08.30-09.00 ¬ Registration (for in-person attendees)

09.00-09.05 ¬ Welcome and Introductions
Walter McCormick, President and CEO, USTelecom

09.05-09.15 ¬   Keynote Address
Steven Tas, Chair, European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO)
09.15-09.50 ¬ Panel One: Perspectives on Fostering Broadband Deployment
Moderator:   Howard Buskirk, Associate Managing Editor, Communications Daily
Jeffrey Campbell, Vice President, The Americas, Global Government Affairs, Cisco
Peter Davidson, Senior Vice President - Federal Government Relations, Verizon
Heather Burnett Gold, President, Fiber-to-the-Home Council North America
Vianney Hennes, Director European Public Affairs, Orange
Robert Shapiro, Co-Founder and Chairman, Sonecon, LLC
09.55-10.30 ¬ Panel Two: Approaches to Privacy, Data Protection & Data Flows
Moderator:   Brian Beary, Washington Correspondent, Europolitics
Genie Barton, Vice President and Director, Online Behavioral Advertising Program and Mobile Marketing Initiatives, Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc.
Carlos Rodríguez Cocina, Director and Head of Brussels Representation, Telefónica
Andrea Glorioso, Diplomatic Counselor, Digital Economy for the Delegation of the European Union to USA

10.30 ¬ Event Concludes


Follow the event from Brussels by registering for the online web stream (15h00-16h30 CET)