Let's get the Fibre Rolling

Download the report here

Download the report here

Presentation of the Charles River Associates report on "Economic Replicability Testing for NGA"

The report comes in the wake of the implementation of the 2013 European Commission Recommendation on non-discrimination and costing methodologies, which includes an Economic Replicability Test (ERT) for NGA services.

Almost two years into the implementation, the CRA report proposes a consistent and proportionate approach to promote efficient investment and safeguard competition when applying the ERT. The report feeds into the debate on future measures to incentivise investment in superfast broadband and provides strategic input at a time in which National Regulatory Authorities are working to implement the 2013 Recommendation.

This event will provide the occasion to discuss with high-level stakeholders on EU policies incentivising fibre roll-out.


16.00 ¬ Registration and coffee

16.30 ¬ Welcome and introduction
Steven Tas, ETNO Executive Board Chairman

16.40 ¬ View from the European Commission on EU policies to incentivise fibre roll-out
Anthony Whelan, Director, Electronic Communications Networks and Services, DG CONNECT, European Commission

17.00 ¬ Presentation of the study
Geoff Edwards, Vice-President, Charles River Associates

17.30-18.30 ¬ Roundtable discussion and Q&A
Moderator: Magnus Franklin, Chief Telecoms Correspondent, Mlex
Geoff Edwards, Vice-President, Charles River Associates;
Annegret GroebelDirector International Relations/Postal Regulation, BNetza, Co-Chair of the BEREC Regulatory Accounting Working Group;
Jos Huigen, Director of Public and Regulatory Affairs​, KPN;
Reinald Krueger, Head of Regulatory Coordination and Markets Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission;

18.30-19.30 ¬ Networking Cocktail


Sofitel Europe, Place Jourdan – Brussels


To attend, please send your contact details to Anne Vallès: valles@etno.eu before 12 March 2015.