The State of Digital Communications

The State of Digital Communications.jpg

Ideas, facts and figures on the sector – powered by ETNO with Analysys Mason

31 January 2019, 16.00 - 19.30, Panoramique Hall @ The Square, Entrance on Rue Coudenberg, Brussels 

Digital platforms, Artificial intelligence, industry 4.0 and IoT have entered the political debate as enablers of fresh socio-economic growth. At the same time, leaders are facing the challenge to stay at par with fast-paced technological change.

As 5G and fibre are about to enable a whole new standard of smart communications, come get the latest on the technological and political debate around digital communications and how to ensure they transform our lives for the better.

16.00 - 16.10 — Welcome and introduction by ETNO Executive Chairman, Phillip Malloch

16.10 - 17.00 — Keynote & Fireside Chat: A global political agenda for digital communications

Digital communications empower socio-economic growth and the transformation of our economic fabric. At the same time, new technologies create both new opportunities and challenges for society. We will discuss how leaders in Europe and the US are tackling these issues and which vision should inspire the new European Parliament and European Commission mandate starting in 2019.  

Keynote: Gordon Sondland, U.S. Ambassador to the EU

Fireside Chat: Malte Lohan, Director General, Orgalim - Europe’s Technology Industries; Lise Fuhr, Director General, ETNO. Moderated by Magnus Franklin, Director, Teneo.

17.00 - 17.15 — The State of Digital Communications. Presentation of facts and figures on the sector by Rupert Wood, Research Director, Analysys Mason

17.15 - 18.15 — 5G, IoT and AI: what will empower users in 2020?

How will telecom services look like in 2020? What does 5G have to do with Artificial Intelligence? Which new services should users expect? We will discuss this with top industry figures who will unveil the latest trends and plans of the industry.

• Gabriela Styf Sjöman, Vice President, Head of Network Systems and Delivery, Telia Company
• Patrick Waldemar, Vice President, Head of Next Generation Network Technology, Telenor Group
Herbert Mittermayr, Partner, Bell Labs Nokia
• Danielle Jacobs, Chair of the Board, INTUG

Moderated by Natalia Drozdiak, European Technology Reporter, Bloomberg.

18.15 - 19.30 — Digital Drinks

The research has been conducted for ETNO by Analysys Mason.

Apply to attend here