The State of Digital Communications 2020

28 January 2020, Panoramique Hall @ The Square

28 January 2020, Panoramique Hall @ The Square

- entrance on Rue Coudenberg, Brussels -

Europe has a new political agenda: Industrial policies for digital leadership, digital sovereignty, the role of tech in the European Green Deal and the EU approach to Artificial Intelligence have all entered the policy debate at the highest level. At the same time, consumers and innovators move fast and European digital markets are shaping the way in which we interact, produce and create socio-economic opportunities.

As 5G and fibre have started enabling new smart communication systems, come get the latest on the technological and political debate around digital communications and their role in delivering on the priorities of the new European Commission.


16h00 – 16h05: Welcome and introduction remarks

  • Steven Tas, Chairman to the Executive Board, ETNO
  • Lise Fuhr, Director General, ETNO

16h05 – 17h00: Keynote Panel: Europe’s New Playbook for Digital Policy

  • HE Ambassador Goran Štefanić, Deputy Permanent Representative, Croatia
  • Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Member of the European Parliament, S&D
  • Ursula Pachl, Deputy Director General, BEUC
    Moderated by Frances Robinson, Journalist

17h00 – 17h15: Unveiling: The State of Digital Communications 2020 Report

  • Rupert Wood, Research Director, Analysys Mason

17h15 – 18h15: The Role of Technology in Delivering Europe’s New Political Goals

  • Bjørn Taale Sandberg, SVP Telenor Research
  • Enrique Medina Malo, Chief Policy Officer, Telefónica
  • Reinald Kruger, Group Public Policy Development Director, Vodafone Group 
  • Eirini Zafeiratou, Director Public Policy EMEA, Amazon
    Moderated by Frances Robinson, Journalist

18h15 – 19h30: Digital Drinks

After the event, you can join us for a digital cocktail and innovation show:

  • 3D printed food, forgotten vegetables: tackling food waste can be done in creative ways. Experience a recipe in the shape of the event hashtag #StateofDigi. Here you can get a preview, powered by 3DbyFlow
  • Virtual Reality, in practice: attendees will have the opportunity to embark on a digital adventure and take a ride with the ICAROS VR Experience, brought to participants by Inno4Events

Cannot make it? Follow the live discussion and ask your questions to the moderator via Twitter by using #StateofDigi.

The registrations for this event have been closed due to a high number of requests.