EC078 - ETNO Expert Contribution commenting on draft ECC/REC/(05)09 – Customer Protection in case of misuse of international E.164 Resources

The Expert Contribution contains ETNO comments on ECC draft Recommendation (05)09 on the customer protection in case of misuse of international E.164 resources. The Association has doubts concerning the effectiveness of the proposed Early Alert System (EAS).

The Expert Contribution contains ETNO comments on ECC draft Recommendation (05)09 on the customer protection in case of misuse of international E.164 resources. The Association has doubts concerning the effectiveness of the proposed Early Alert System (EAS).

The Expert Contribution contains ETNO comments on ECC draft Recommendation (05)09 on the customer protection in case of misuse of international E.164 resources.
Although ETNO welcomes any initiative to combat misuse of numbers, the Association has doubts concerning the effectiveness of the proposed Early Alert System (EAS). In elaborating possible measures, the technical and economical limitations of currently existing PSTN/ISDN networks should be borne in mind.