EC087- ETNO Expert Contribution commenting on CoCom06-24: Guidelines on implementation and roadmap for Commission Decision on reserving the number range beginning with "116" for harmonised numbers for harmonised European services.

ETNO takes note of the draft Commission Decision, as published in CoCom06-24 and finds that the decision has come a long way since it was first introduced. Although the document represents an effort to decide upon outstanding issues, as identified in earlier ETNO contributions, a number of these issues still exist that need to be resolved.

ETNO takes note of the draft Commission Decision, as published in CoCom06-24 and finds that the decision has come a long way since it was first introduced. Although the document represents an effort to decide upon outstanding issues, as identified in earlier ETNO  contributions, a number of these issues still exist that need to be resolved.

ETNO takes note of the draft Commission Decision, as published in CoCom06-24 and finds that the decision has come a long way since it was first introduced. Although the document represents an effort to decide upon outstanding issues, as identified in earlier ETNO  contributions, a number of these issues still exist that need to be resolved.

There exists a fundamental question upon what basis the Commission and CoCom can undertake roles regarding number assignment and administration. NRA’s and CEPT NNA should be empowered to fulfil their roles in these areas.

Additional regulation on implementation, connectivity, accessibility and tariffs should be left to the established business rules as developed in the processes between operators.

Further elaboration of procedures, service criteria and candidates for number allocation should be carried out in close co-operation with all relevant stakeholders.