ETNO Policy Note: Licensing Mobile Spectrum

Given the ongoing preparatory work by the European Commission and the RSPG on a new multiannual radio spectrum policy programme and the wider European socio‐economic recovery context, ETNO would like to provide its views and suggestions on the common efforts to accelerate the development of digital communications. This brief policy note should be considered as an initial contribution towards the future policy framework on licensing mobile spectrum.
Read the ETNO Policy Paper by clicking the link below.

Given the ongoing preparatory work by the European Commission and the RSPG on a new  multiannual radio spectrum policy programme and the wider European socio‐economic recovery  context, ETNO would like to provide its views and suggestions on the common efforts to accelerate the development of digital communications. This brief policy note should be considered as an initial contribution towards the future policy framework on licensing mobile spectrum.

Read the ETNO Policy Paper by clicking the link below. 

Read the position paper