November 2005 RD229 - ETNO Reflection Document on Best Common Practice for Numbering Misuse ProtectionÂ

The European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO) supports Study Group 2 chairman's proposal in developing guidelines for Member States and Sector Members to combat misuse.

The European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO) supports Study Group 2 chairman's proposal in developing guidelines for Member States and Sector Members to combat misuse.

The European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO) supports Study Group 2 chairman's proposal in developing guidelines for Member States and Sector Members to combat misuse (COM 2 - C 21 - Draft new annex for E.misuse). ETNO welcomes this opportunity to offer their views on numbering misuse and share experience of some of its members in taking preventive measures against certain types of numbering misuse. This contribution proposes text for inclusion in a possible annex to E.misuse. The document discusses the different dimensions that must be considered in tackling numbering misuse and elaborates on concrete measures that can be taken specifically against "rogue diallers". However, with regard to the section on refund policies, ETNO believes that this is a commercial issue between the consumer and the service provider, and should not be discussed in detail in the best practice Annex.