RD193 - ETNO Reflection Document on the European Commission Communication on the Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Internal Market

ETNO presents its views on the Commission Communication taking account of the need for more high-quality content to attract users to broadband networks and stimulate the development of e-Europe. Regarding collective rights management, the Association underlines the need to end the legal and de facto monopolies enjoyed by EU collecting societies so that rights acquisition for on-line services can be made less time-consuming, complex and expensive.

ETNO presents its views on the Commission Communication taking account of the need for more high-quality content to attract users to broadband networks and stimulate the development of e-Europe. Regarding collective rights management, the Association underlines the need to end the legal and de facto monopolies enjoyed by EU collecting societies so that rights acquisition for on-line services can be made less time-consuming, complex and expensive.

Regarding individual rights management, ETNO highlights the role that EU competition policy must play in ensuring that exclusive rights are as easily available for on-line services as they are for traditional media. Finally, regarding digital rights management, ETNO emphasises its support for open, interoperable systems while stressing that development of technical standards should remain market-led.