RD209 - ETNO Reflection Document on the proposed European Regulators Group Work Programme 2005

ETNO welcomes the more focussed approach of the ERG's Work Programme for 2005 compared to last year’s.

ETNO welcomes the more focussed approach of the ERG's Work Programme for 2005 compared to last year’s.

For the sake of harmonisation ETNO is concerned that the ERG’s guidance to NRAs comes after several individual NRAs have already made a number of important decisions regarding market definitions, SMP assessments and application of remedies. Among the topics in the Work Plan, ETNO wishes to comment on non-discrimination, the proposed report on market experience and on the revision of the ERG CP on remedies. In addition, ETNO is particularly concerned over he proposed work on VoIP where the ERG already takes a position in favour of 'more lenient regulation' of only some players.