RD211 - ETNO Reflection Document on the FCC Notice of Inquiry on Mobile Termination Charges (FCC 04-247, IB Docket No. 04-398 in the Matter of the Effect of Foreign Mobile Termination Rates On U.S. Customers)

ETNO shares the view of the majority of stakeholders replying to this consultation that there is no rationale for the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) intervention concerning foreign mobile termination rates.

ETNO shares the view of the majority of stakeholders replying to this consultation that there is no rationale for the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) intervention concerning foreign mobile termination rates.

The FCC must rely on existing national regulatory frameworks, such as those in force in the European Union, which are best suited to address the issue and ensure a sustainable competition in their mobile market. Given the competitive nature of the mobile market in the European Union, the trend must be to bolster investments and innovation, limiting regulatory interventions only to cases of market failure. Besides, the FCC should verify that the recent and significant mobile termination rate reductions are fully and rapidly passed on to the US consumer.