RD232 - ETNO Reflection Document on the EC Green Paper on a European Programme for critical infrastructure protection

ETNO supports this initiative and favours an all hazards scope, with an emphasis on terrorism in the first phase. ETNO would wish an EU approach to be limited primarily to establishing best practice guidelines, sector by sector. This best practice should aim at a harmonization of recovery objectives and prioritization for services recovery. It will be telecommunications operator’s sole decision which protection measures and business continuity plans they will implement to reach the guidelines objectives.

ETNO supports this initiative and favours an all hazards scope, with an emphasis on terrorism in the first phase. ETNO would wish an EU approach to be limited primarily to establishing best practice guidelines, sector by sector. This best practice should aim at a harmonization of recovery objectives and prioritization for services recovery. It will be telecommunications operator’s sole decision which protection measures and business continuity plans they will implement to reach the guidelines objectives.

ETNO supports this initiative and favours an all hazards scope, with an emphasis on terrorism in the first phase. ETNO would wish an EU approach to be limited primarily to establishing best practice guidelines, sector by sector. This best practice should aim at a harmonization of recovery objectives and prioritization for services recovery. It will be telecommunications operator’s sole decision which protection measures and business continuity plans they will implement to reach the guidelines objectives.
The Association recognises the importance of reviewing existing standardisation and how it accommodates disaster relief. There might be merit in harmonising national initiatives related to post-disaster telecom capabilities, early warming systems and sectoral continuity plans. Continuity based on standard commercial arrangements should be fully respected. ETNO prefers that financial support would be primarily targeted at studies concerning interdependencies, modelling criteria and risk assessment.