RD234 - ETNO Reflection Document in response to the call for input on the forthcoming review of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications and services (Radio Spectrum aspects)

ETNO considers that significant changes to the current regulatory framework – i.e. the Framework Directive, Authorisation Directive and the Radio Spectrum Decision – are not necessary. The objectives established by the Radio Spectrum Decision are considered relevant. Regarding institutional aspects, the collaboration between RSC, ECC and ETSI provides an appropriate basis to deal with the various spectrum issues of interest for Europe.

ETNO considers that significant changes to the current regulatory framework – i.e. the Framework Directive, Authorisation Directive and the Radio Spectrum Decision – are not necessary. The objectives established by the Radio Spectrum Decision are considered relevant. Regarding institutional aspects, the collaboration between RSC, ECC and ETSI provides an appropriate basis to deal with the various spectrum issues of interest for Europe.

This ETNO Reflection Document complements the ETNO Reflection Document RD235 with radio spectrum aspects, i.e. statements made are not necessarily valid for non-radio electronic communications. With regard to the regulation of radio spectrum management, ETNO considers that significant changes to the current regulatory framework – i.e. the Framework Directive, Authorisation Directive and the Radio Spectrum Decision – are deemed not necessary. 
This framework should allow for a smooth and coherent transition from the current national regimes towards more flexibility, in harmony with short, medium and long term market needs, based on experience with concrete cases. 
The objectives established by the Radio Spectrum Decision are considered relevant. Regarding institutional aspects, the collaboration between RSC, ECC and ETSI provides an appropriate basis to deal with the various spectrum issues of interest for Europe. ETNO takes the view that a deeper involvement of the affected stakeholders and spectrum users in the work of RSC and RSPG would not only increase transparency, but also facilitate a decision making process closer to market needs.