RD262 - ETNO Reflection Document in Response to the Green Paper on the Review of Consumer Acquis

ETNO believes that DG SANCO needs to approach the exercise with care. Attention must be given to the possibility that the benefits of new one-size-fits-all measures may be outweighed by their costs. The focus should instead be on specific problems where application of Better Regulation principles shows an unambiguous case for action at EU level. In the e-commerce sector, there is a need to consider adaptation of consumers’ traditional rights to new technology in a number of areas.

ETNO believes that DG SANCO needs to approach the exercise with care. Attention must be given to the possibility that the benefits of new one-size-fits-all measures may be outweighed by their costs.  The focus should instead be on specific problems where application of Better Regulation principles shows an unambiguous case for action at EU level.  In the e-commerce sector, there is a need to consider adaptation of consumers’ traditional rights to new technology in a number of areas.

While recognising the need for review of the existing Consumer Protection Acquis, ETNO believes that DG SANCO needs to approach the exercise with care.  In particular, there is a need to ensure consistency with legislation on which other DGs have the lead.  Attention must also be given to the possibility that the benefits of new one-size-fits-all measures may be outweighed by their costs.  The focus should instead be on specific problems where application of Better Regulation principles shows an unambiguous case for action at EU level.  In the e-commerce sector, there is a need to consider adaptation of consumers’ traditional rights to new technology in a number of areas.