RD267 - ETNO Reflection Document in reply to the consultation “Preparing for the Second Meeting of the IGF”

This Reflection Document describes how telecommunications network operators view organizational and content issues, in preparation of the next Internet Governance Forum in Rio de Janeiro in November. It has been submitted to the IGF Secretariat as ETNO input to the 3 September 2007 consultation meeting.

This Reflection Document describes how telecommunications network operators view organizational and content issues, in preparation of the next Internet Governance Forum in Rio de Janeiro in November. It has been submitted to the IGF Secretariat as ETNO input to the 3 September 2007 consultation meeting.

Many ETNO member companies attended the Athens IGF and the consultations afterwards for the preparation of the next IGF in Rio de Janeiro. This document describes how telecommunications network operators view organizational and content issues.

General comments: The programme and schedule of the next IGF should be made available well in advance. ETNO thus welcomes that the IGF Secretariat presented the first draft prior to the 23 May 2007 consultations in Geneva and the revised drafts in mid-June. The Association supports most of the modifications/changes to the current revised draft programme regarding the format.

As regards content, ETNO notes with concern the addition of Critical Internet Resources (CIR) as a fifth main theme and questions the added value of a separate debate on CIR, considering that there are no clear boundaries from the other main themes which also cover issues of CIR and have not been exploited enough yet, nor is there a point of entry nor a specific framework of discussion. ETNO would appreciate defining clearly the framework of the debate on CIR, bearing in mind that there will be no reopening of issues decided at WSIS, no duplication of efforts, nor unjustified and obscure challenging of work of existing Organizations.

Specific comments are presented on proposals concerning Case studies,  Speed Dialogue, Exhibition Space, Reporting back Sessions, Thematic Workshops, Open Workshops, Best Practice Forums, Taking Stock, Emerging issues and the Preparatory process’ timeline.

Concerning the latter point, ETNO finds that the deadline of 10 August 2007 for contributions to be included into the Rio synthesis paper was too short. Setting a deadline before the consultations are over and before there is a clear picture of the themes, sub-themes and framework could affect the quality of the synthesis paper, the validity of which could be jeopardised.