RD274 - ETNO Reflection Document on the ERG draft Common Position on symmetry of mobile/fixed call termination rates

This is the ETNO reply to the ERG public consultation on the draft Common Position on the symmetry of mobile/fixed call termination rates. ETNO supports the principle of symmetry between FTRs and between MTRs in each country, but not between FTRs and MTRs. Furthermore, the Association thinks asymmetric TRs should disappear from regulation as fast as legally feasible.

This is the ETNO reply to the ERG public consultation on the draft Common Position on the symmetry of mobile/fixed call termination rates. ETNO supports the principle of symmetry between FTRs and between MTRs in each country, but not between FTRs and MTRs. Furthermore, the Association thinks asymmetric TRs should disappear from regulation as fast as legally feasible.

ETNO welcomes the opportunity given by the ERG public consultation on the draft CP to precise its positions on the symmetry of mobile/fixed call termination rates. ETNO’s major messages are the following:

  • ETNO supports the principle of symmetry between FTRs and between MTRs in each country, but not between FTRs and MTRs
  • ETNO does not believe in the dynamic benefits of transitory asymmetry in the long run, but considers on the contrary that allowing asymmetry may irreversibly damage the efficiency of the market. Therefore, asymmetric TRs should disappear from regulation as fast as legally feasible.

The arguments supporting these statements are detailed through the answers to ERG’s consultation.