RD298 - ETNO Reflection Document on the “Questionnaire for the Call for Input in the fundamental review of Commission Decision 2005/050/EC on automotive Short-Range Radar”

ETNO believes that the SRR is already well regulated in Europe. ETNO opposes changing the regulation in place once more and considers that the cut-off date (2013) is to be respected. Furthermore the 24 GHz solution has to remain the only interim solution up to the cut-off date, and after that date SRR will have to be deployed in the 79 GHz band only.

ETNO believes that the SRR is already well regulated in Europe. ETNO opposes changing the regulation in place once more and considers that the cut-off date (2013) is to be respected. Furthermore the 24 GHz solution has to remain the only interim solution up to the cut-off date, and after that date SRR will have to be deployed in the 79 GHz band only.

  • ETNO believes that the SRR is already well regulated in Europe. Changing the regulation in place would lower the European institutions credibility.
  • Therefore ETNO considers that the cut-off date (2013) is to be respected. Furthermore  the 24 GHz solution has to remain the only interim solution up to the cut-off date, and after that date SRR will have to be deployed in the 79 GHz band only.