RD330 - ETNO Reflection document - Comments on the Draft ECC Report 153 on Numbering and Addressing in Machine-to- Machine (M2M) communications

ETNO agrees that national numbering policies for M2M communication are required to support the potential demand for M2M applications and endorses the conclusion of the report that no harmonised approach is needed in Europe, regarding the solutions to address the impact and needs on numbering and addressing of M2M services.

ETNO agrees that  national numbering policies for M2M communication are required to support the potential demand for M2M applications and endorses the conclusion of the report that no harmonised approach is needed in Europe, regarding the solutions to address the impact and needs on numbering and addressing of M2M services.

  • ETNO welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Draft ECC Report 153.
  • ETNO agrees that  national numbering policies for M2M communication are required to support the potential demand for M2M applications and endorses the conclusion of the report that no harmonised approach is needed in Europe, regarding the solutions to address the impact and needs on numbering and addressing of M2M services.