RD340 - ETNO Reflection Document to BEREC Consultation on Cross-border Issues under Article 28 of Universal Service Directive

ETNO has concerns regarding non-geographic numbers access provisioning at international level, as there are existing unresolved issues. The Association explains the disadvantages of provisioning access to all non-geographic numbers in Member States and presents its views on the consultation questions.Executive Summary:

ETNO has concerns regarding non-geographic numbers access provisioning at international level, as there are existing unresolved issues. The Association explains the disadvantages of provisioning access to all non-geographic numbers in Member States and presents its views on the consultation questions.

Executive Summary:

  • ETNO welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation about cross-border issues under Article 28 of the Universal Service Directive (USD).
  • ETNO has concerns regarding non-geographic numbers access provisioning at international level as there are existing unresolved issues and they are likely to be exacerbated when implemented at EU level.
  • In this position paper, ETNO wishes to explain the disadvantages of provisioning access to all non-geographic numbers in Member States and to present its views to the consultation questions.