RD357 - ETNO Reflection document - Response to next Phases of the UNGIS Open Consultations on the Overall Review of the Implementation of the WSIS Outcomes (WSIS+10)

ETNO supports the proposal made during the United Nations Group on Information Society (UNGIS) meeting to devote the next WSIS Action Lines Forum to the WSIS Review.Executive Summary:

ETNO supports the proposal made during the United Nations Group on Information Society (UNGIS) meeting to devote the next WSIS Action Lines Forum to the WSIS Review.

Executive Summary:

  • ETNO is of the opinion that the WSIS review process must remain open to all stakeholders in an inclusive manner and on an equal footing basis.
  • ETNO supports the proposal made during the United Nations Group on Information Society (UNGIS) meeting to devote the next WSIS Action Lines Forum to the WSIS Review. ETNO asks for a simple and transparent preparatory process, avoiding as much as possible physical meetings and using on-line tools to facilitate the participation of all interested parties.