RD417 - ETNO Response to BEREC Consultation on the 2016 Draft Work Programme (BoR (15) 140)

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ETNO welcomes the opportunity to provide its views on the BEREC draft Work Programme for 2016 (BoR (15) 140).

Download the full Reflection Document here.


ETNO welcomes the opportunity to provide its views on the BEREC draft Work Programme for 2016 (BoR (15) 140).

ETNO and its members support all initiatives aimed at fostering the dialogue between BEREC and stakeholders, such as the Stakeholders’ Forums that BEREC has organized in the past three years. We encourage BEREC to continue engaging in open discussions and increase the transparency of its work, in particular by subjecting its foreseen activities to public consultation.

ETNO takes note that the 2016 Work Programme will be centred on the upcoming review of the European regulatory framework for electronic communications and on the implementation of the European Commission’s Digital Single Market (DSM) Strategy. We also acknowledge that several of BEREC’s proposed activities will be related to the implementation of the “Telecoms Single Market” (TSM) Package, and of its provisions in the fields of Open Internet and international roaming.

Adhering to the structure of the draft Work Programme, based on four main strategic priorities, we would like to propose the following remarks, encouraging the Body of Regulators to take them into account when revising the draft, and in general in the continuation of BEREC’s work.


Download the full Reflection Document here.