September 2005 RD226 - ETNO Reflection Document on the report of the Working Group on Internet Governance

ETNO finds the definition of Internet Governance adopted by the Working Group is appropriate. ETNO shares the views that further international dialogue and cooperation must be encouraged for aspects linked to the security of the Internet, cybercrime, and spam. In ETNO’s view necessary investments in infrastructure, applications and services must be supported by a positive, market-driven approach.Â

ETNO finds the definition of Internet Governance adopted by the Working Group is appropriate. ETNO shares the views that further international dialogue and cooperation must be encouraged for aspects linked to the security of the Internet, cybercrime, and spam. In ETNO’s view necessary investments in infrastructure, applications and services must be supported by a positive, market-driven approach.Â

ETNO finds the definition of Internet Governance adopted by the Working Group is appropriate. ETNO shares the views that further international dialogue and cooperation must be encouraged for aspects linked to the security of the Internet, cybercrime, and spam.

In ETNO’s view necessary investments in infrastructure, applications and services must be supported by a positive, market-driven approach. ETNO believes that the current system of management of IP addresses must be maintained, and that the report doesn't sufficiently recognises the continuing efforts and improvements in this area and in the area of management of domain names.

ETNO suggests to foster the different existing fora linked to Internet and Internet technologies rather than creating a new all purpose forum. ETNO believes that the current role played by the GAC within ICANN has to be maintained and reinforced. ETNO favours the replacement of the oversight functions held by the US Government by a simple audit function. At this stage, ETNO is not able to support any of the four models described in the report.