ETNO-MLex regulatory Summit Highlight Video

This year’s Summit, held on 25 April 2013 at the Brussels Louise Sofitel, addressed the most pressing issues in European telecom regulation, and in particular the revision of the relevant markets recommendation. It was the occasion of a debate with all stakeholders on how the regulatory approach should accommodate the main changes in markets and technologies.

This year’s Summit, held on 25 April 2013 at the Brussels Louise Sofitel, addressed the most pressing issues in European telecom regulation, and in particular the revision of the relevant markets recommendation. It was the occasion of a debate with all stakeholders on how the regulatory approach should accommodate the main changes in markets and technologies.

How should the EU regulatory approach evolve to accommodate the rapid changes in technology and markets, such as the increased competition from alternative platforms and the emergence of new services, such as online applications which consumers are using to keep in touch? How can regulation reduce the investment risks while guaranteeing competition and choice, in line with the recent announcement by Vice President Kroes on the new environment for broadband regulation.

These questions and many others were addressed during the two main panels of the Summit devoted respectively to the review of the relevant markets recommendation and the future of regulation. Panelists included representatives from the telecoms industry, the European Commission, BEREC, the investors community, and the academic world.

Giovanni Battista Amendola, Vice President, head of Relations with International Authorities, Telecom Italia
Eric Debroeck, Senior Vice-President of Regulatory Affairs, France Telecom
Erzsebet Fitori, Director, ECTA
Magnus Franklin, Chief Correspondent, MLex ITM
Luigi Gambardella, Chair of the Executive Board, ETNO
Malcolm Harbour, Chair of Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, European Parliament
Stephen Howard, Global Head of Telecoms, Media & Technology Research, HSBC
Wolfgang Kopf, Senior Vice President Public & Regulatory Affairs, Deutsche Telekom
Reinald Krueger, Head of Regulatory Coordination and Markets Unit, DG CONNECT
Matthias Kurth, Executive Chairman, Cable Europe
Carlos Lopez-Blanco, Head of Public and Corporate Affairs, Telefonica
Cecilio Madero Villarejo, Deputy Director General for Antitrust and Cartels of DG Competition
Daniel Pataki, Director, ETNO
Ivan Santos Esteras, Co-Chair of BEREC Convergence Working Group, CMT
Steven Tas, Vice President Regulatory, Belgacom
Professor Tommaso Valletti, Imperial College of London
Roberto Viola, Deputy Director General of DG Connect, European Commission
Brian Williamson, Plum Consulting
Ian Wishart, Reporter, European Voice

ETNO-MLex Regulatory Summit highlight video from ETNO on Vimeo.