ETNO welcomes nomination of Commissioners-designate

ETNO welcomes nomination of Commissioners-designate
Brussels, 10 September 2019 – ETNO, the Association representing Europe’s leading providers of digital networks and services, welcomes today’s announcement on the Commissioners-designate for President Ursula Von Der Leyen’s College.

ETNO welcomes nomination of Commissioners-designate

Brussels, 10 September 2019 – ETNO, the Association representing Europe’s leading providers of digital networks and services, welcomes today’s announcement on the Commissioners-designate for President Ursula Von Der Leyen’s College.

As the European Parliament prepares for public hearings, we welcome the nomination of the new College. More in specific, we welcome top thought-leaders nominated for portfolios related to tech and digital: Margrethe Vestager (Executive VP for Digital Age and Competition Commissioner), Sylvie Goulard (Internal market), Didier Reynders (Justice), Frans Timmermans (Executive VP for Green Deal), Paolo Gentiloni (Economy), Mariya Gabriel (Innovation and Youth), Rovana Plumb (Transport), Kadri Simson (Energy) and Ylva Johansson (Home Affairs).

The European telecom operators’ community is looking forward to collaborating with the new European Parliament and European Commission. Rapid technological changes and major socio-economic challenges require strong and collaborative action at the European level. As telecom companies invest in 5G networks and AI-enabled communications, we stand ready to contribute to a fresh set of policies aimed at asserting European leadership in the global digital space.

Lise Fuhr, ETNO Director General, said: “Telecom companies will be a crucial ally in tackling socio-economic challenges such as climate change and the transition to an innovative, sustainable economy. Together, we can build European leadership in global digital markets. We support a renewed focus on trust, fair competition, infrastructure investment and inclusion in the digital economy”.