EU Associations question the need for a revision of the IPR Enforcement Directive [IPRED]

The pan-European organisations Cable Europe, ECTA, ETNO and EuroISPA, represent the European electronic communications industry that is comprised of both national and pan-European fixed and mobile telecoms operators, Internet Services Providers (ISPs) and cable companies. The European electronic communications industry plays a crucial part in connecting European citizens and businesses to information, news, entertainment and cultural content.

The pan-European organisations Cable Europe, ECTA, ETNO and EuroISPA, represent the European electronic communications industry that is comprised of both national and pan-European fixed and mobile telecoms operators, Internet Services Providers (ISPs) and cable companies. The European electronic communications industry plays a crucial part in connecting European citizens and businesses to information, news, entertainment and cultural content.


In the context of the Commission’s recent Consultation on the Civil Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, the Associations have underlined the essential role played by Internet intermediaries in building consumers’ trust in the digital environment and in developing the Information Society services of the future.

The Associations have stressed that the IPRED as it stands offers a well-balanced and functioning framework to address digital piracy and that it is premature to review the Directive at this stage due to the limited experience with its implementation and the lack of evidence justifying any revision.

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