European telecom services are evolving with consumer value on the rise: Assembly Research and ETNO unveil new consumer study on telecom services

Brussels, London, 30 September 2019 – As European consumers eagerly take-up data-driven services and increasingly communicate across digital channels, telcos are delivering increased value and improved service to their customers. This is the main take away of the new study “Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times”, unveiled today by Assembly – the independent, London-based analyst firm – and ETNO – the Association representing Europe’s leader provider of digital networks and services.

Brussels, London, 30 September 2019 – As European consumers eagerly take-up data-driven services and increasingly communicate across digital channels, telcos are delivering increased value and improved service to their customers. This is the main take away of the new study “Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times”, unveiled today by Assembly – the independent, London-based analyst firm – and ETNO – the Association representing Europe’s leader provider of digital networks and services. The study puts forward a fresh perspective on the relationship between telecom operators and their customers, complementing existing surveys and providing an overview of new challenges in digital markets.

Increased choice, diverse offers and affordability

The study reveals that Europeans have broad choice of providers of telecom services, but also a wide range of offers. Among others, bundles are very popular with consumers: their uptake is high and consumers tend to be more satisfied with packages than standalone products. In addition, offers are increasingly tailored and diverse, including more than just connectivity (e.g: video content, music streaming, cloud storage).

Customer focus and transparency tools

As offers become more tailored and complex, European telcos are increasing their customer focus and engaging more closely with end users. Telcos have developed an omni-channel approach: customers are able to engage through AI-enabled apps, social media, online portals as well as traditional channels such as stores and by phone. This includes innovative accessibility features, which are leveraging smartphone technology as a key enabler of access to online content for people with disabilities.

Trust and data protection, a key strength

In an increasingly data-driven society, trust appears to be a significant asset for telecom operators. The sector scores at the top for confidentiality of information, also thanks to regulation. However, telcos are going the extra-mile in launching tools to allow customers to control their data. This includes apps, data cockpits and customer relationship system geared towards protection and control of own data.

More value and better satisfaction

Increased investment in telecom networks – especially ubiquitous connectivity, is improving the customers’ perception of telecoms services. Consumers in key European markets judge the service good or satisfactory. This happens as telcos continue scaling up investment in both mobile and fixed connectivity.

Lise Fuhr, ETNO Director General, said: “Telcos are a positive force in Europe’s digital landscape. Trust, network investment and diversity of offers are the pillar of our commitment to customers. Dynamic markets can deliver even more than what is required by regulation”.

Matthew Howett, Assembly Founder & Principal Analyst, said: “Our study shows the considerable steps the industry is taking to enhance the value to consumers of the services they provide. It is a vibrant sector that underpins and enables the digital economy which contributes significantly to Europe’s economic growth”.

The study is available at this link and will be presented on 2 October 2019. Agendaregistrations and more info are available at this link