Luigi Gambardella confirmed as Chairman of the Board of ETNO - Representing 38 European Telcos

Luigi Gambardella, Vice-President of Telecom Italia, in charge of relations with international institutions and organisations, was unanimously confirmed as Chairman of the Executive Board of the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ association (ETNO) for 2013. ETNO communicated that the re-election took place during the association’s General Assembly, which gathered last week in Krakow, Poland. Mr Gambardella has been chairing the Board of ETNO since 2011.

Luigi Gambardella, Vice-President of Telecom Italia, in charge of relations with international institutions and organisations, was unanimously confirmed as Chairman of the Executive Board of the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ association (ETNO) for 2013. ETNO communicated that the re-election took place during the association’s General Assembly, which gathered last week in Krakow, Poland. Mr Gambardella has been chairing the Board of ETNO since 2011.

ETNO has 38 members and 12 observers, who collectively account for a turnover of more than €600 billion and employ over 1.6 million people. During the General Assembly, the representatives of Orange, Telenor and KPN were also confirmed as Board members for the coming year.

ETNO’s General Assembly discussed several policy issues relevant to the development of the telecommunications market in Europe, such as the sustainability of the Internet ecosystem and the future EU rules on non-discrimination and on costing methodologies for access to networks.