Press Release: “Let 2015 be the year of digital reform”, Steven Tas takes up ETNO chairmanship

Brussels, 7 January 2015 - ETNO, representing Europe's main telecom operators, is pleased to annouce that Steven Tas from Belgacom has taken up ETNO's chairmanship as from 1 January 2015.

Brussels, 7 January 2015 - ETNO, representing Europe's main telecom operators, is pleased to annouce that Steven Tas from Belgacom has taken up ETNO's chairmanship as from 1 January 2015.

Following his election by the General Assembly last November, Mr. Tas succeeded to Luigi Gambardella, who served as chairman of the ETNO Executive Board for the past four years. The role of the Executive Board is to provide strategic guidance and input on the main internal and external activities of the Association.

ETNO Chairman Steven Tas said: “Building on the extraordinary job of the outgoing Chairman, I will focus 2015 as the year of digital reform. We should aim at unlocking the untapped potential of the telecoms sector to the benefit of the whole European economy. We are ready to support the new European Commission for a review of the regulatory framework and for policies that recognise the evolution of today's digital markets. Modern policies and rules will benefit both EU consumers and businesses”.

ETNO recently presented an “Agenda for Europe”, inviting all stakeholders to think digital, promote reform and aim at the Continent's prosperity. You can read more here.

Profile of Steven Tas

Steven Tas has headed Belgacom’s regulatory department since 2008. He joined Belgacom in 1994 and has occupied different positions within the company’s Strategy division. He is a member of the ETNO board since 2009 and a member of the board of Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) since 2010. Mr. Tas holds a master degree in Civil Engineering and Industrial Management from the University of Leuven.