Press release: Telefónica launches ‘Digital Family’ platform to create a better internet for children

Telefónica today announced ‘Digital Family’ – a Resource Centre for Parents with the goal of furthering digital education and contributing to the creation of a better Internet for children (

Telefónica today announced ‘Digital Family’ – a Resource Centre for Parents with the goal of furthering digital education and contributing to the creation of a better Internet for children (

The web-based resource is already available in Spain and will be launched in the United Kingdom by O2 this coming Spring, following a successful pilot with parents and teachers in the Yorkshire city of Leeds. It will later roll-out in other countries where Telefónica operates over the course of this year.

 The Digital Family platform is a reference site where parents, guardians and teachers can find answers to the many doubts and concerns about how children are using the Internet and other new online technologies. The Digital Family also provides a platform for educators and parents to share experiences and testimonies – helping them overcome the challenges and difficulties facing both parents and children in the new digital age.

 What the platform offers…

The Digital Family will host monthly in-depth discussions to tackle current issues around Internet safety, providing videos, games, activities and articles segmented by age groups (5?8, 9?12 and 13?16 years of age).  These forums will enable parents and educators – together with children – to learn ways to make the most of the Internet and the potential offered by new technologies and connected devices.  It will also educate and give guidance on a wide variety of issues – such as grooming, cyber bullying, sexting, geo-localization – providing glossaries, tips and recommendations as well as links and videos offering advice and action. 

 The initiative has already been acknowledged by the European Commission as a benchmark in public-private co-operation and as a self-regulation initiative with clear benefits for society.  The platform has been developed by the Interactive Generations Forum with the collaboration of the European Schoolnet, the University of Navarre, INSAFE, EU Kids Online, Childnet International, Protégeles (Protect them) and PantallasAmigas (Friendly Screens). It also forms part of Telefónica’s strategy to boost digital confidence and promote responsible use of technology across all age groups, including children.  Telefónica has for several years been working towards a ‘better Internet’ on four key fronts: self-regulation; strategic alliances; products and services; and digital education.

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