Telenor to provide telephony to all Norwegian health authorities

Telenor has won the contract to supply telephony and other communications services to all health authorities in Norway. The contract has a value of approximately 120 million Norwegian kroner per year.

Telenor has won the contract to supply telephony and other communications services to all health authorities in Norway. The contract has a value of approximately 120 million Norwegian kroner per year.

The Health Authorities’ Procurement Service (HINAS) negotiated the contract on behalf of the four regional health authorities of the Northern, Central, Western and South-Eastern Norway. The contract covers all underlying health authorities and other connected entities, such as several private hospitals with operational support provided by the regional health authorities.

The contract includes the provision of telephony services, both in terms of subscriptions and communications for landlines and mobile phones, as well as communications solutions, such as a mobile business network and unified communication. This contract is Telenor’s largest telephony agreement in Norway.

“For the health authorities, the objective of this agreement is to gain greater cost effectiveness  and flexibility when it comes to telephony services. as well as ensure a stable and reliable voice solution. In addition, it is important that the health authorities have communications solutions that help streamline their organisations. Telenor’s service model, its expertise in telephony and its commitment to the health sector were among the key reasons they were chosen,” said Trond Skorstad, Advisor at HINAS.

Important Health Initiative

For Telenor, the health sector is an important focus area, not only in terms of telephony, but also in terms of collaboration solutions and welfare technology. In cooperation with various partners and through pilot projects, the company has developed communications solutions that help to modernise and increase the effectiveness of the health sector.

“Cooperation with the health authorities is the cornerstone of our health focus. We look forward to exciting projects, better collaboration and more effective work processes in healthcare. At the same time, we want to serve as an advisor for the healthcare sector, and in that vein we plan to continue organising professional conferences for the health authorities,” said Telenor’s manager of the business market Bjørn Ivar Moen.

The agreement commences on January 15th and will last for two years with an option for a further two years renewal. Telenor’s subcontractors in the agreement are Kjedehuset, SmartPhones, Linus, NewLearning and 1881.

For further information, please contact:

Telenor Norway’s PR Manager, Kristin V. Tønnessen, Tel.  934 80 648,

Adviser at HINAS, Trond Skorstad, Tel.  952 15 199,